The Misogi Challenge

a tool to step outside your comfort zone

Welcome to The Introverted Path!

Happy Thursday everyone, hope your week has been fantastic so far.

This week, I wanted to talk about a concept called Misogi.

A Misogi is designed to challenge us and create lasting memories in the process.

The Misogi Challenge is something we can all apply to our lives — especially us introverts that need an extra push to get outside our comfort zones.

In today’s email:

  • What is a Misogi?

  • Guidelines for setting a Misogi

  • Links to other content I enjoyed this week

Let’s dive in 🤙 

What does Misogi mean?

Misogi is a Japanese word that translates to “water cleansing”.

It’s typically done by standing under an icy waterfall while cold water pours over your body. It signifies a complete reset.

The Misogi Challenge has a bit of a different, but related meaning.

It was coined by famous entrepreneur & author Jesse Itzler.

The idea is this: Do something so hard one time a year that it has an impact on the other 364 days of your year.

Here is Jesse discussing the concept in a 30-second YouTube short.

Take a minute and try to recount the past 10 years of your life. How many years can you identify a memorable thing that happened?

If you’re anything like me, you struggled for a lot of the years.

That’s the idea behind setting a Misogi. Do at least 1 memorable thing a year that pushes you and gives you something to remember 20 years from now.

Guidelines for setting a Misogi

A Misogi doesn’t need to be physical. It can be any BAHG (Big Ass Hairy Goal) you have been wanting to tackle.

Starting a business, writing online, creating a podcast, getting married, having kids, learning a new language.

There are plenty of different routes you can take with this.

If you are looking for Misogi ideas on the physical side, my buddy Jake writes an awesome newsletter 👇️ 

Working Order highlights ordinary people doing extraordinary things with their fitness. Every week, subscribers receive a story about an athlete, how they're using their fitness, and practical information about how they can use their fitness in new, creative, and challenging ways. 

Subscribers also receive a curated list of experiences and training programs built with a physical challenge in mind. 

You can check out his website and subscribe for free here.

So what are the guidelines for designing your Misogi?

  1. Make it really hard. As in, you should have a 50/50 chance of being able to complete it.

  2. Your Misogi is only for you. This is meant to be a personal challenge. The whole point is to learn something about yourself.

  3. It should scare you. If it doesn’t, it’s not hard enough.

My thoughts 💭 

I get so much energy thinking about how we can push ourselves mentally and physically much further than we think.

I want to create more memories and meaningful life events that I can look back on 20 years from now.

We are constantly pushing things off for the never ending “tomorrow”.

But, tomorrow isn’t promised.

So what can you design as your Misogi for 2024 that your future self will be proud of?

  • Does giving make you happier? (link)

  • 24 ways to change your life in 2024 (link)

  • How to be alone with your thoughts (link)

That’s it for today - hope you enjoyed this week’s newsletter!
